How Do I Make A Virtual Event?

If you are hosting a Virtual Event, you can easily add a video chat link to your invitation. Instructions below!


  • From the Design & Details page of your invitation, just click the Virtual option under Location.

  • Once you choose the Virtual event, enter the link you'd like to include in the Video Chat URL box below and make sure it begins with "https://" or "www." Now, when you send the invitations, the link will be there for guests to see after they RSVP.

  • When a guest follows the link, they will be linked to the video chat given in the Video Chat URL box above.


  • On the Event Details page, find the Location section and switch it over to Virtual. Under this you can put the link to your video chat in the Video Chat Link box, just make sure it begins with "https://" or "www."

  • Once a guest RSVPs, they'll be able to access the video chat link through the Join Video Chat button on the invitation.


  • There is no option to create a virtual event on Android. If you would like to create one, you will have to continue on the Punchbowl website.

If you have any additional questions about creating your Virtual Event, feel free to contact us at

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